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Here you will find useful information about personal growth and parenting insights to better your life!


Raising Children Network June 1, 2020

Disrespectful teenage behaviour.

How to deal with it?

As a parent, you might feel hurt, worried and unsure about what’s happened when you have conversations like this. Your child used to value your interest or input, but now it seems that even simple conversations turn into arguments.

Mayo Clinic Staff September 4, 2019

Parenting skills

Tips for raising teens

Adolescence can be a confusing time of change for teens and parents alike. But while these years can be difficult, there's plenty you can do to nurture your teen and encourage responsible behaviour. Use these parenting skills to deal with the challenges of raising a teen.

Jeanie Lerche Davis 2020

10 Parenting Tips

For Raising Teenagers

How do you breach the barriers of adolescence? Here are 10 parenting tips for raising teenagers.

Christine Carter February 12, 2020

Three Ways to Change Your Parenting

In the Teenage Years

Young children and teenagers have very different needs. Though teenagers can be hard to parent, the good news is that parenting teenagers is in many ways a hell of a lot easier than raising little kids.

Joanne Barker 2020

5 Mistakes Parents Make

With Teens and Tweens

Here are the top mistakes parents make with their teens and tweens, and how to avoid them.

Nancy Reynolds July 2, 2020

Raising Teens:

51 Things I’ve Learned as a Mom

When my kids were little I used to think to myself, “this just can’t get any harder than this.” Fast forward more than a decade later and I’ve realized something – boy was I wrong!